How to fix ps5 randomly deleting installed games

2 min readSep 18, 2021


pic credit: Gadgets 360

Gamers have been encountering the issue of PS5 games disappearing since the console’s November 2020 launch. However, it didn’t take long for hardware manufacturer Sony to release a system update targeting the problem, and The PlayStation 5 patch will arrive later that month. Although that should have been the end of the problem, it was not: users still find that installed games have been removed on PS5.

Sony is aware that installed PS5 games may be deleted randomly. The PlayStation 5 maker has already released a system update targeting the problem, but unfortunately, it didn’t stop random uninstalls for everyone.

Here’s how to fix ps5 uninstalling games

step 1:

Make sure there is no discs on your PlayStation 5.

Step 2:

Go to internet settings and turn off internet.

step 3:

Insert the disc PlayStation 5 disc you have chosen, which can be any PlayStation 5 game you have just insert it and let it download itself.

Do not press the copy button here. Let it download itself.

step number 4:

Once downloaded, take out the disc, turn the internet back on and reinsert the disc. once you have reinserted the disk it should automatically download latest patches delays update for that game and whatever the remaining downloads for that game are available will download all that things for you.

you don’t have to do anything. It should do this by itself.

step number 5:

once everything is downloaded just take out the disc to double check everything is working there, it is still in the PlayStation that should be in this point.

step number 6:

Put the disc back and start playing that’s all

that’s the step.

I might as well mention this here that you don’t even have to go offline to do this method, you can put your disk of choice in but don’t press copy so don’t press copy let it be done alone and that should fix and then go through the rest of the steps like has already been given so it’s not really necessary offline step, but offline step works for some people so I stick with that until fix it with a system update that you are not the only experienced.



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